Shanghai Pavo Industries Co., Ltd
PAVO is a master creator of home fragrance with natural formulas as well innovative packing. Bringing you a wide range of scented sachets, scented diffusers, scented ceramics and scented paper works we think about your daily life. The brand LOVESTORY is our commitment to you. We are ODM supplier for famous brands like L'OREAL, Avon, Michael's, Maison Du Monde, Fruits & Passion and MUHa.

Asaninnovatorfornewreeddiffuser,PAVOhasownR&Dteam.Wecreatenewmaterialfor diffusing medium - nature timber replacing rattanstick. Wood flower will diffuse the fragrancemuch rapid as well smell stronger with dozens of petals and stem than reed stick. Flowershapewillkeep the fragranceforeversurelylonger thansolarflower afterperfuming.Non-fading petals will show you fantastic brilliant colors for room decoration, Anyway our full range of wood flower diffusers willbringyou magnificent ambience fordailytimes.

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